The total tuition fee for the Chicago Polygraph Institute polygraph examiner training course is $5,000 for students worldwide (hereinafter “World”), and $2,000 for students from former USSR countries (hereinafter “f. USSR”). The tuition fee includes: instruction, the use of polygraph equipment, library facilities, handout materials, and textbooks. The above fees do not include: travel, accommodation, meals, insurance or any other expenses that may be incurred by CPI students.
Continuing Education Polygraph Examiner Course (World), 1-3 days: $1,000
- Continuing Education Polygraph Examiner Course (World), 7-10 days: $2,000
- Polygraph Examiner Retraining Course (World): $3,000
- Continuing Education Polygraph Examiner Course (f. USSR), 1-3 days: $300
- Continuing Education Polygraph Examiner Course (f. USSR), 7-10 days: $1,000
- Polygraph Examiner Retraining Course (f. USSR): $1,500
Please print the Application Form. You must fully and legibly complete, and sign. Chicago Polygraph Institute prefers receiving applications prior to interviewing applicants. Therefore, mail, e-mail or fax your completed form to us before your interview. If time does not allow, bring it with you for your personal interview with a Chicago Polygraph Institute instructor.
Applicants must be truthful and accurate in their responses to all inquiries. Failure to disclose any criminal violation or to present truthful and accurate information will result in the denial of your application. Chicago Polygraph Institute reserves the right to submit an applicant to polygraph testing if it is necessary to clarify unresolved background matters.